Sunday, February 22, 2009

Botox Mania Part 6

Botox is not a permanent cure for wrinkles and most patients do not mind getting repeat procedures every 4-6 months. The FDA has recommended that Botox Cosmetic should not be injected more than once every three months, and that the lowest effective dose should be used. The cost of maintaining a pristine face can add to about $1,000-$2,000 a year.

Vanity has its price. Because Botox paralyzes muscles that create wrinkles, some physicians recommend that Botox should not be applied on muscles of facial expression. Otherwise the individual may appear with an expressionless face without emotions.

The line between uncreased youth and facial emotive power, however, is not always clear. Mr. Luhrmann, the director of "Moulin Rouge," said last week that many actresses abuse Botox. "Their faces can't really move properly," he said, assuming a blank stare meant to mimic overuse.

There is also the potential for what some doctors call the Dorian Gray effect. Because Botox does wear off, more injections are required to maintain its effects or the patient's face will return to its wrinkly state. So one day you may marry the women with the perfect face and a few months down the road, you will be sleeping next to Godzilla.

Botox's market potential has finally tapped into the public. Once plastic surgery was a domain of the rich and famous. Botox has brought plastic surgery into the average home and made it slightly affordable for everyone. Dorian Gray, please move over, vanity and Botox are here.

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