Friday, June 5, 2009

Fraxel: Yet another laser for skin rejuvenation

One fact all consumers should understand by now. If there are too many similar treatments for one disorder, it means that no treatment works. This applies more to cosmetic surgery than most other disciplines in medicine. For the past 20 years, there has been a new laser developed each month and touted to be the best, and now we have the Fraxel.

What is the Fraxel?

Fraxel is a relatively new laser system that has been hyped up to rejuvenate the face. The providers of Fraxel claim that unlike lasers of the past, Fraxel has state of art technology and is very gentle to the skin (same old story!).

What can the Fraxel treat?

Fraxel laser is designed to treat minor skin imperfections, reverse signs of photo-aged skin, erase fines lines and wrinkles. Some other indications for Fraxel include acne scars, photo damaged skin, and melasma.

On what part of the body can Fraxel be used?

Fraxel treatments can be used on almost any part of the body but more common areas treated include:

- Face
- Neck
- Chest
- Upper arms

The majority of people who under go Fraxel comment that after the procedure, the skin always looks radiant, smooth and much younger looking.

Where are Fraxel treatments done?

Fraxel laser is an outpatient procedure done at a spa or a clinic. Once the skin is cleaned the therapist will apply a topical anesthetic 20 minutes prior to the procedure. The hand held laser is then held close to the skin and activated. Fraxel laser treatments usually can be done in about 30-40 minutes.

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