Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Juvederm: a decent dermal filler but expensive

There have been many types of dermal fillers developed in the past decade and none is ideal. Each and every one of them has its pros and cons. While collagen products have dominated the cosmetic market, recently novel types of dermal fillers include those based on hyaluronic acid have been developed.

What is hyaluronic acid?

Everyone has hyaluronic acid in their body; it is a natural constituent of bone, cartilage and soft tissues. It has multiple functions in the body including cushioning joints against injury, maintaining hydration, supporting surrounding tissues and providing skin support. When hyaluronic acid levels decrease due to aging or excessive sun exposure, the skin becomes wrinkled and appears saggy.

How can Juvederm reverse signs of aging?

Juvederm is usually injected to erase signs of aging and photo aged skin. Juvederm is soft, jelly-like, and very consistent filler that can readily erase fine lines, wrinkles, and creases. By filling the underlying tissues, the skin appears full, smooth, and soft. Juvederm is also widely used to plump up lips, making them sexy and luscious.

Where are juvederm injections performed?

Juvederm injections are done as an outpatient in a clinic setting. There are no extensive preparations required prior to the procedure. Individuals who are on blood thinners like aspirin should discuss with their physician when they should stop the medication prior to injections.

Is there any pretesting prior to juvederm injections?

No, Juvederm injections do not require pretesting for allergy. The injections usually take less than 15 minutes and are relatively painless. Those who are squeamish about pain can ask the therapist to numb the skin with a topical anesthetic.

What happens after juvederm injections?

After the procedure, a few individuals may develop redness and mild swelling. These side effects usually subside in a few days. The redness can be covered with a facial make-up or mascara.

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