Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Sculptra: Part 2

What happens after Sculptra injections?

After injection of Sculptra, some individuals develop redness and swelling at the site of injection. There is very little down time after Sculptra injections. If excessive swelling persists one can apply an ice pack for 20 minutes- several times a day. Exposure to sun should be avoided and a sunscreen is a must when going out. The majority of individuals are able to return to their daily living activities within 24 hours. These transient side effects disappear in a few days.

When does one see benefits of Sculptra?

The effects of Sculptra are not immediate. Most individuals start to see the cosmetic changes at around 3-6 weeks and the results last anywhere from 5-18 months. The end result is a soft well contoured skin figure which appears young.

Does Sculptra work in everyone?

No, there are some individuals who do not show any response to Sculptra. At best, the product works well in less than 50% of individuals.

Are there any testimonials about Sculptra?

So far all data on Sculptra are written by physicians who sell this therapy. Like everything in medicine, physician testimonials about their own products are as good as buying a second hand car from a car thief. Patient testimonials are few. The few negatives about Sculptra include pain, formation of nodules and short duration of the cosmetic response.

Are there complications of Sculptra injections?

Yes, complications are rare but have been reported. The most common complications are a poor or no result, pain, lack of response and asymmetry.

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