Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Facial Veins (Spider veins)

Just what are facial veins?

All of us have bluish liner discolorations on the face. These bluish structures are tiny facial veins and often are very conspicuous. To make it sound fancy, some physicians call these tiny bluish veins telengiectasias. Facial veins can occur anywhere on the face but are most common on the nose and cheeks.

These facial veins do not cause symptoms- they are painless. Anyone who has symptoms from facial veins has another disorder. Close examination of facial veins will reveal a dark center with numerous fine reddish-blue lines radiating circumferentially. Because of such an appearance, these facial veins are also known as spider veins. In most cases, individuals develop multiple facial veins.

Why do facial veins occur?

No one really knows the cause of facial veins. One suggestion is that exposure to intense sun can increase the risk of facial veins. In general, facial veins are more common in individuals who have a history of intense sun exposure.

When do facial veins appear?

Facial veins become obvious in the 4th decade of life. Some individuals with intense sun exposure during childhood may develop spider veins a lot earlier

Do facial veins cause symptoms?

No. Facial veins are asymptomatic-there is no pain, no itching or any swelling. The chief reason individuals go to see a health care worker is primarily cosmetic.

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