Saturday, April 4, 2009

Back Acne Part 2

What causes back acne?
Well, just like the acne on the face, back acne is due to a combination of excess sweat, oily skin, and constant friction of clothes on the skin. Back acne is more common in individuals who wear tight garments and those who sweat a lot. Individuals who have back acne, almost always have face and neck acne.

The problem

The most common reason why back acne is always advanced when visiting a physician is because of delay in seeking treatment. The delay is usually due to lack of awareness of the problem. It is difficult to look in the back and thus many people have no idea that they have back acne.

What triggers back acne?

Like facial acne, back acne usually gets worse in warm conditions. In the winter time when individuals wear many garments, the back does tend to heat up and acne flares up. Further, hot weather also does the same thing. Other factors know to worsen back acne are stress, certain spicy foods and excess sweat. There is a tendency for back acne to run in families; and so if anyone in your family has back acne, chances are you may also develop it.

Treatment for back acne

Back acne is treated in the same way as facial acne. Before one starts jumping with medications, there are several home care approaches one can take. In general, sweat glands in the back are located much deeper in the back and thus, back acne usually requires stronger medications, much longer time to treat, a lot of patience and persistence.

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