Sunday, April 5, 2009

Fraxel laser and acne scars Part 2

Are there any preparations required prior to Fraxel treatment?

No, just make sure you bring some money with you. In general, no preparations are required but individuals who have acute acne, those who have uncontrolled diabetes, or those who are taking blood thinning medications are not candidates for Fraxel laser. Further individuals who have lupus or any other collagen vascular disorder should avoid Fraxel Laser.

If I am taking accutane, can the fraxel be used on me?

Unfortunately, individuals who are on accutane for acne have to wait at least 4-6 months after discontinuing the drug before they can have Fraxel Therapy. The reason for this is that accutane does react adversely with the laser and can cause severe scarring.

How is fraxel treatment for acne scars done?

The treatment is generally done in a physician’s office or a clinic. NOTE, in almost all cosmetic centers, the treatments are done by technicians and nurses. The doctors have many clinics running at the same time and very rarely do they actively perform the procedures themselves (unless you are a VIP). The face is rinsed and gently dried. Your eyes will be covered to protect them from the laser beam. The therapist will apply a topical anesthetic on the face to numb the pain. After this, the fraxel laser is held close to the skin surface and activated. Each fraxel treatment takes about 15-20 minutes.

Is the treatment with fraxel painful?

Depends whom you talk to. The doctors always say no. the patients always say, damn that hurt. In general, the pain is like a hot needle. Some tolerate it, but most find the experience unpleasant. Besides a topical anesthetic, the therapist may also blow a cool mist on the face. Further some latest lasers also come with a cooling tip to minimize the pain. Once the procedure is over, most people feel a warmth sensation similar to a sun burn. This feeling lasts about 1-2 hrs and quickly wears off. After the procedure there is no pain and most individuals do not require any supplemental pain medications (Customer testimonials say exactly the opposite- the face does get swollen and red and there is pain)

What are side effects of Fraxel when treating acne scars?

The two major side effects are redness and mild swelling. Both these side effects are transient and generally resolve in 1-2 days. One can apply facial make up to hide the redness.

1 comment:

  1. To avoid the side effects of a fraxel procedure, a qualified and professional doctor is absolutely necessary. In this way, your fraxel Toronto treatment will be very effective and safe. A reputable, skilled and experienced doctor will definitely help you have extraordinary results.
