Monday, April 6, 2009

Spider Veins 101 Part 4

What types of lasers are available to treat spider veins?

Today, there are many lasers which can be used to treat spider veins. Most lasers are portable, lightweight and work well.

How does the laser work?

The laser is held close to the skin and activated. The laser generates a beam of light which penetrates the skin. Once the light energy is absorbed by blood, the heat destroys the blood vessel causing it to collapse. Over time the vessel then disappears. The latest lasers are precise and avoid injury to nearby normal skin,
thus voiding side effects

How is one assessed for laser treatment?

There is not much to evaluate. Spider veins are usually of a cosmetic concern and the diagnosis is by just looking at them. If you have symptoms, then an honest physician will not perform laser on you. Symptoms of any type need investigations not laser therapy. Of course, the physician will ask if you have money to pay for the procedure.

Are there any preparations before laser treatment?

Well, individuals who have had a recent suntan should wait at least 4-6 weeks before getting laser treatment. One should avoid the sun, and not smoke for at least 2-3 weeks prior to the procedure. On the day of treatment, avoid all creams, lotions, and moisturizers on the area that will be treated. Finally wear comfortable clothing that allows easy access to the body part(s).

How long does the procedure take?

Laser for spider veins does not take more than 20-30 minutes. Most individuals do require topical anesthesia. The physician will apply a cooling agent , blow a cool mist, or apply a topical anesthetic on your skin. The laser definitely stings like a hot needle. While the pain is tolerable, it is not fun. However, most doctors try and ease the pain using a variety of methods.

Some laser also have a cooling tip which numbs the pain, but this does not always work.

Is laser therapy painful?

no matter what anyone says, the laser does sting for a second. However, the topical anesthetic will take most of the pain away

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