Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Vela Shape- the treatment that does nothing!

Vela shape is a relatively new method of remodeling the body outline using a small machine that gives out radiofrequency waves (same as what intense sunlight does but the process is more controlled). Vela Shape has been approved by the FDA not because it works but because it is safe (the treatment does diddly squat).

Over the last few years, Vela shape treatments are offered in every spa, salon, clinic, doctor’s office and even non health care professionals perform the treatment.

What does Vela Shape do?

To be honest- nothing. The vendors and health care professionals claim that it can remove fat and cellulite from your body (if anyone believes that simply applying heat to the body can decrease cellulite- that individual is a sucker. How many people have ever lost cellulite/fat by sitting out in the Sun?)

IS there any data that suggests Vela Shape works?

No, there is no data. Vela shape was devised in Europe and as usual, the Europeans always come up with outrageous claims. There is not a single clinical trial that shows that Vela shape works. In North America, most claims about Vela Shape are made by doctors.

Are there testimonials about Vela Shape?

Yes, lots of negative testimonials. Almost all consumers claim that the treatment is painful, expensive and does not work. Further, there is a long list of complications including burning, scarring and pigmentation (same thing if you were left in the Sahara Desert for 4 weeks)

Who can undergo Vela Shape?

Anyone who is foolish and has money to burn. The vendors claim that anyone with cellulite can undergo this therapy. The treatment is supposed to be an alternate to liposuction or weight loss surgery. Those individuals who have undergone liposuction and have residual fat lumps can also undergo Vela Shape

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