Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Red Wine- Can it really stop aging?

For decades everyone has been looking for the magic pill to reverse or stop aging. Researchers have traveled to the Amazon forest, Australian barrier reef, the red sea, the dead sea and even to the Gobi desert- but Lo and Behold, the most potent anti aging product has always been found on the corner street- in the liquor store. Red wine.

For the past few years, everyone has been writing about this great social beverage. There is enough on cyberspace about red wine to fill up libraries. It can reverse aging, it can erase wrinkles, it can make one look young, it can increase libido (sex always pops up with any anti-aging chemical), it can make your skin smooth, it can make you rich and so on. But is red wine really the Fountain of Youth? Should we all drink it and also force it down the throats of individuals who look old?

A lot of hype about red wine and anti aging originates from Europe. Some people initially claimed that it was waters of the Riviera which made red wine special, other felt that it was grapes from Marseille, some claimed it was the soil and yet others felt it was red wine plus French cuisine. And these stories continued and soon the myth propagated to the USA.

So does red wine halt aging? Can it take away your wrinkles? Or is it like all other anti aging products- just a bunch of BS?

Scientists got their red wines samples and soon discovered that it contained a chemical called Resveratrol. This agent was extensively studied in the laboratory and found to be a natural anti oxidant. Researchers showed that when rats were given red wine to drink, gosh, they started to live longer and started to become better lovers. The rats cuddled more often and were always ready to mate. No one mentioned anything about rat wrinkles.

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