Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Microdermabrasion- another cosmetic device which does zilch! part 2

Does Microdermabrasion have any complication?
No, because it does not do anything in the first place. The only complication is a tired hand from holding the device next to your face for days hoping to see some skin changes. Does wiping your face with a towel have complications? - No, unless your towel is made of thorns or sharp nails!)

Who does Microdermabrasion?

Microdermabrasion is done everywhere and by everyone
. Every Tom, Dick, Harry, Filipino, manicurist, pedicurist, spa, clinic, or salon does Microdermabrasion. There is zero training or skill required to use the device. The procedure takes about 20 minutes and there are no extensive preparations required prior to the procedure

One can go for Microdermabrasion during a lunch break. There are no needles, anesthesia, pain, nothing- just a battery operated device, which resemble a man’s electric shaver.

Is there downtime with Microdermabrasion?

There is no down time with Microdermabrasion. Thank God for that. For a treatment that does zilch, any downtime would be shocking

When does one see the cosmetic benefits of Microdermabrasion?

Well, you will look the same as when you came in, except that your face will look clean for a few hours. The vendors of this therapy say that Microdermabrasion is great if you want your face shinning before a big event.

Are there any Microdermabrasion portable devices?

Sure, just like a lot of nonsense weight loss devices, Microdermabrasion devices are also for sale. One can buy these junk machines anywhere from $50-$300, depending on how easy you are as a sucker.

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