Thursday, April 2, 2009

Everything about Vela Smooth & Cellulite

What exactly is Vela Smooth?

Vela smooth is a mechanical device (just like a vacuum cleaner) which has been introduced into the cosmetic market to help women and men reduce cellulite and help get a smooth body outline. Cellulite is frequently observed in women and typically presents as lumps/bumps of fat at the back of the thighs. It is easily recognized when one runs the hand over the skin. Cellulite will feel lumpy, hard, and rough. Cellulite always gives the skin an abnormal contour. The only reason people seek treatment for cellulite is because it is not pretty to look at.

What can Vela Smooth do?

The vendors (both manufacturers and physicians) of Vela smooth make a lot of hype that this device can help reduce or completely eliminate cellulite. Vela smooth is a hand held device that is gently rolled over the skin. The device can be used to remove cellulite from back of thighs, waist, buttocks, hips, calf, and even the abdomen.

How does Vela Smooth Work?

Vela Smooth has rollers and the device is attached to a vacuum. The people who deal with Vela Smooth claim that as the device is rolled over the pockets of cellulite, the deep massage sensations break up the fat pockets, this increases blood flow and somehow it leads to removal of cellulite. Vela Smooth also generates a beam of infra red light which generates heat that also helps break down the cellulite.

How many treatments does one require to remove cellulite?

Well, there is nothing in all of cosmetic surgery that works in one session. The vendors of Vela Smooth claim that one needs at least 8-12 sessions to get the maximal benefit. However, one will start to see a decrease in cellulite and smooth skin after the first few sessions.

How often are the sessions?

It is recommended that one have at least 2 sessions for 4-6 weeks. For those who have a lot of cellulite, perhaps more sessions. If you still have money left, you can rest assured that some other gimmick is also going to be recommended to help you look younger and beautiful

Is Vela Smooth a permanent treatment for Cellulite?

100 percent NO. In life there is nothing one hundred percent, except dying. The people who provide Vela Smooth treatments recommended that you must enter a exercise program and change your diet to see the maximum benefits of vela smooth. This way if you fail to see a response, the fault is entirely yours.

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