Friday, April 10, 2009

Luscious Lips part 2

Like any surgery procedure, lip augmentation is not complication free. For every one good result, there are about 3-4 individuals who are not happy. The most common complications of lip augmentation include the following:

- Allergy to the implant- persistent redness,
itching and pain
- prolonged redness
- swelling which is obvious
- itching which is persistent
- hardness around the lips- especially at the
injection site
- excessive bleeding which may go on for a few
- lip asymmetry is very common
- migration of the implant is also common
- extrusion of the implant when the procedure is
not done right

In most cases, the swelling, redness and bruising only last 3-7 days. When asymmetry occurs, revision is required. If there is an infection, the permanent dermal filler has to be removed. Never believe any surgeon who says he/she has never had a complication.

All individuals who are going to be treated with collagen fillers need an allergy test. If there is evidence of allergy, lip augmentation is not for you. You may have to choose a non-collagen dermal filler.

Individuals who have an active herpetic infection, a history of contact dermatitis, lip infection or an ulcer on the lips, should wait at least 2-4 months before get lip augmentation. Any stress on lips can easily trigger a herpes infection.

All individual who are allergic to the anesthetic, lidocaine, should avoid getting lip augmentation. Other individuals who should not undergo lip augmentation include those with collagen vascular disease (e.g. scleroderma, lupus, or sjogren's).

There is no perfect dermal filler. The fact that there are so many fillers on the market should immediately inform the consumer that none of them is ideal. Each dermal filler has its pros and cons. The only way to determine which dermal filler is good for you is to discuss it with a knowledgeable surgeon who is more interested in your lips than your money.

The most important criteria for success is a good surgeon. Today, many people are performing lip augmentation. There are some physicians who have had no training in cosmetic surgery and there are also many nurses who think that they do not need any training. So talk to people, get a referral, read about the procedure, and ask questions. Since you are paying for it, always seek a second opinion if you are not satisfied. When done well, lip augmentation can produce luscious, sexy, and erotic lips.

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